HTC在MWC 2018
展示Vive Pro Vive无线适配器
尽管这两款产品都在CES上公布,但HTC 今日在MWC 2018上首次展示了Vive Pro和Vive无线适配器。回到CES,我们开始使用Vive无线适配器和原始的Vive耳机,但该公司并未展示适配器与更新,更高分辨率的Vive Pro配合使用。
在MWC 2018展会上,他们首次将这双鞋放在一起,展示了独特的VR体验,将用户置于热气球篮子中,并将他们送入峡谷。
HTC Shows Off Vive Pro
with Vive Wireless Adapter
at MWC 2018
Though both products were announced back at CES, HTC showed off the Vive Pro and the Vive Wireless adapter used together for the first time today at MWC 2018.Back at CES, we went hands on with the Vive Wireless Adapter and the original Vive headset, but the company wasn’t showing the Adapter in use with the newer, higher resolution Vive Pro.
Here at MWC 2018, they put the pair together for the first time, demonstrated with a unique VR experience which put the user in a hot air balloon basket and sent them soaring through a canyon.